
The most common questions about Cobra training

Would you like to learn how to use the Cobra system for safer, cleaner and more efficient firefighting? Join one of our training courses. Lena Håkansson, fire engineer at Cold Cut Systems and responsible for Cold Cut Academy, has the details.
Why do you recommend training in using Cobra?

“We often underline the fact that using a Cobra does significantly more good than one that is never used. We know it can make a huge difference for safer, cleaner and more efficient firefighting – if it is used in the right way and at the right time. That’s why we focus the training both on the ‘bigger picture’ of the system to convey solid and well-founded knowledge, as well as how it works in detail, building basic confidence in how to use the product.”

Cobra training
Top five reasons for Cobra training
  1. Learning methods and techniques on how to use Cobra in different situations.
  2. A better understanding of how Cobra affects fire gases and extinguish fires.
  3. Encourages your organisation to use the system – in the right way and at the right time.
  4. Increases safety for firefighters.
  5. Maximum effect from your equipment.
What else does the training focus on?

“In addition to the basics we focus on the most important elements of the method and where, when and how to use the cutting extinguisher: for fire gas cooling, hidden fires, heat shielding and complex fires. We also teach the Cobra SAVE method (Scan, Attack, Ventilate, Enter), as a structured way of working on site. This is interwoven with real-life case studies to substantiate it and show how different fire services have adopted Cobra.

“Further important factors are of course ensuring Cobra is used safely. We place great emphasis on providing information about the right protective equipment and how to use the cutting extinguisher correctly in a safe way.”

How do you tailor the training for different roles within firefighting?

“We have tailored training courses for firefighters (Cobra Instructor Course) and for incident commanders (Cobra Incident Commander Course). Basically, the different roles should have the same idea of the system and its capacity, but once on site at a fire, they work with different tasks and thus have different needs. For example, incident commanders need a greater knowledge and understanding of decision-making and risk assessment, while operators and firefighters need to know more about the system itself and how to operate it.”

Cobra training
What feedback have you received from the participants?

“Overall, they are very positive. Some whose organisation have just bought their first system are there to learn how to implement Cobra in their way of working. Others are there to refresh their knowledge and get new energy and ideas on how to use the system. Many times, we also hear about operations where Cobra contributed to a successful result. It is very rewarding to hear about these efforts, both with good and not so good outcomes. All of this are important lessons that we can pass on to other users.”

Why do you recommend recurrent training?

Our refresher courses are a great way to pick up skills that might have been lost along the way. It’s also a window to reach ‘dormant’ Cobra users and help them and their organisation to step up their usage of the system. We recommend a refresher course every three years.

“Another reason for recurring training is that the world is constantly changing, and that firefighting needs to adapt to new situations. For example, take the increase in EV’s, Electric Vehicles, and fires in lithium-ion batteries. For these, we have included new important knowledge on how to fight these fires efficiently with Cobra in our methods.”

Cobra training
Finally, what is the most common question that’s asked by the participants?

“Without doubt the question ‘What materials and thicknesses Cobra can cut through?’ In fact, that question is not so relevant. The important thing is where, when and how the cutting extinguisher should be used, and we always emphasise that it should be used at the weakest point, such as a windowsill or a door. But, to answer the question: we have a documented case where Cobra penetrated approximately 30-centimetre-thick concrete.

Read more about the training within Cold Cut Academy here.

Cold Cut Academy in brief
  • Cold Cut Academy offers a solid course package which is under constant development.
  • We exist for our users, and we develop thanks to them and their curiosity and engagement.
  • As with any tool, the key to using the cutting extinguisher is to be properly trained and feel confident in handling the system.
  • We provide knowledge to create a safer and cleaner working environment, and more efficient interventions.