Cobra Use Case | Heat Shielding

Cobra Use Case | Heat Shielding

Cobra is not only used when you need to cut through into a confined compartment; the fine water mist can also be used in other ways. For example, Cobra has successfully been used at large property fires to shield neighbouring buildings from heat damage and fire...
Women in Fire Service weekend

Women in Fire Service weekend

National Training and Development Event For those attending this year’s #wfsntd22 we hope you have a fantastic weekend. Congratulations to Uroosa Arshid on her award for Young Person Role Model. Stop by for a chat with Lena and the team from Cold Cut Systems...
Cobra Use Case | High-Rise

Cobra Use Case | High-Rise

Our Cobra Use Cases are descriptions of possible areas of use. They are based on our own and our users’ experiences. One example is fires in high-rise buildings. Cobra used in high-rise fires A high-rise fire is one type of structural fire, specific to tall...
The Cobra Method SAVE

The Cobra Method SAVE

The Cobra Method minimises the firefighter’s exposure to high temperatures, toxic smoke from fire-gases and other risks, decreasing short and long term occupational health effects. The Cobra Method may create a window of opportunity which enables the incident...
UK Business Development Manager

UK Business Development Manager

We are looking for a UK Business Development Manager. If you are interested in the position and want to know more, please contact us for a job description or send your CV directly to