First responder house fire

First responder house fire

The central fire station in Halmstad employs full-time firefighters, and in the surrounding rural areas, they have (part-time) first responders with 3.5-ton fire appliances equipped with Cobra. The tactics they use are for the first responder to use Cobra from outside...
Flushing the system after use

Flushing the system after use

To avoid problems like abrasive blockage, it is important to always flush the Cobra system after use or before attaching the MPN. This video shows you...
Cobra vs. Fognail

Cobra vs. Fognail

We are sometimes asked what the difference is between a Cobra and a Fognail. The short answer is that they are different tools that suit different situations. However, we made a comparison so you can see for...
Why droplet size and spray pattern matters

Why droplet size and spray pattern matters

Droplet size and spray pattern are essential when it comes to absorbing heat. It is the surface of the water droplet that absorbs and cools the heat radiation from the fire gases. Therefore, it is of great importance to get as large an effective surface area as...