Suspension vs. entrainment

Suspension vs. entrainment

To get the great cutting effect and still have a manageable tool to work with, you need to add a cutting agent into the high-pressure water line. In general, cutting extinguishers use two different ways to do this; through a suspension system or an entrainment system....
AFOA mini conference in Yorkshire

AFOA mini conference in Yorkshire

Our UK MD, Martin Orman, was in Yorkshire this week to join the Airport Fire Officers Association (AFOA) conference and the launch of the Ziegler Group Z ARFF at Venari. We wish the airport industry and associated suppliers a successful return to normal very...
New framework agreement in the UK

New framework agreement in the UK

Cold Cut Systems Ltd. are both delighted and very proud to announce that we have been selected for inclusion in the National Framework Agreement for supply and delivery of Emergency Response Equipment and Associated Services for Lot Two; Fluid Transfer and Lot Three;...
Closed Midsummer Eve, June 25th

Closed Midsummer Eve, June 25th

We have finally got one of the brand new hand lances to display in our office entrance. We hope you can visit us soon to see and feel it. Tomorrow, however, the office is closed as we are all away celebrating a traditional Swedish Midsummer Eve. See you again on June...
Foam agent vs. water

Foam agent vs. water

The latest issue of the Swedish Firefighters magazine mentions the advantages of the cutting extinguisher over the negative environmental impact of foam agent. Besides cutting through virtually any known building materials, the droplet size is one of the first...