Safety Distance when using Cobra

Safety Distance when using Cobra

Do not worry; now you can watch it online! You can also read the full report from the tests. The ability to quickly pierce through any known construction material to cool hot fire gases with water mist is the key attribute of the Cobra. But in terms of safety, the...
Car fire in the garage

Car fire in the garage

This operational incident is from Halmstad in Sweden, a town with a well-developed system of first responders. When the alarm came, one of these first responder units was quickly in place at the scene. He arrived in a van with a Cobra unit and was alone for seven...
Safety Distance when using Cobra

Safety Distance when using Cobra

Abstract Cold Cut Systems has evaluated what safety distances should be applied when using the cutting extinguisher. The safety distances should be considered a guideline and adapted to each organization’s own practical application. The safety distances...
Explosion resistant safety glass

Explosion resistant safety glass

Some materials make it more difficult for the fire and rescue services to enter in case of fire. The Cold Cut Cobra can cut through any known building material, but some are trickier than others. We made a test on 40 mm multi-laminated glass and explosive proof glass....
Cold Cut Systems supports KiRtj

Cold Cut Systems supports KiRtj

Cold Cut Systems is now a proud partner of The Swedish Network for Women in Fire and Rescue Services. (KiRtj) “The Swedish Network for Women in Fire and Rescue Services was started in 2011 to create a forum for spreading information about and for women in fire and...