Take a course to learn methods and techniques on how to use Cobra in different situations.
The UK Team
UK Team Collaboration and Strategy Session Before UKRO 2024.
Lena on the Importance of Cobra Training
Cobra can make a huge difference for safer and more efficient firefighting.
Skånsk Brandskyddsdag 2024
We’re here in sunny Skåne for the Scania Fire Protection Day 2024, and you’re warmly invited to stop by!
Danske Beredskaber Årsmøde 2024
We’re excited and ready for the show! 😁👍
Tesla Fire Mitigated with Cobra
Successful fire mitigation using Cobra at a fire in a Tesla.
Visit from Norway
This week we have a nice visitor from Norway at our office.
Firefighter at Work Day 2024
Today, we recognise the dedication of those who serve our communities as firefighters while balancing regular jobs.
Cleaner Firefighting with the SAVE Method
A recent study supports that the SAVE method cuts firefighters’ exposure to toxic substances.