Did you know Cobra can be installed in both small and large trucks?
The importance of maintenance
Regular maintenance and service are key to ensuring that your Cold Cut Cobra system continues to perform at its best.
Fire-Rescue International 2024
Meet us at the Fire-Rescue International 2024, August 14 – 16, in Dallas, Texas, at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center.
A deep-dive into SAVE – E is for Enter
When the previous SAVE steps have decreased temperature and improved visibility it is time for the firefighter to enter the fire compartment.
A deep-dive into SAVE – V is for Ventilate
Increasing the visibility of the surrounding area is important to be able to fight the fire effectively. One way to do this is to ventilate, the third step of the SAVE method.
A deep-dive into SAVE – A is for Attack
Scanning and assessing the situation provides firefighters with the insights they need to prepare to carry out a Cobra attack.
A deep-dive into SAVE – S is for Scan
The Cobra method of SAVE is an effective way to fight fires and minimise risks for firefighters. The first step of SAVE is Scan.
The Cobra SAVE method explained
Scan, Attack, Ventilate and Enter – four steps for creating a safer environment for firefighters.
Summer Operations
Summer vacation season is upon us!