More sustainable firefighting contributes to reducing environmental footprints.
FDIC Conference – USA
This week you can meet with Martin Orman and Carl Batchelor at the FDIC Conference in Indianapolis.
Uniform at Work Day
From 2022, Uniform at Work Day occurs on Wednesday, week 16, each year, this year, April 17th.
Tactical Firefighting Instructor Course FSC
Cold Cut Systems contributed to the first Tactical Firefighting Instructor course with hands-on Cobra UHPL training.
Train the Trainer
Integrating new firefighting techniques enhances operational efficiency and safety.
Get to the next level
Cobra offers operational efficiency, enhanced safety, and optimised resource management.
Embrace the season of renewal
Spring marks a time of renewal and is the perfect occasion to enhance your knowledge of Cold Cut Cobra.
Working with Experts
Good collaboration delivers excellence.
Expanding the team
Introducing Mattias Ahokas: The newest addition to the Cobra team.