Firefighting Reinvented

The Cobra SAVE Method provides one of the safest, cleanest, and most efficient approaches to firefighting. By enabling the cooling of fire gases from a secure position outside the fire compartment, it supports fire and rescue services in protecting both firefighters and the environments they serve.

Safer, Cleaner, More Efficient

Safer firefighting with Cobra
Safer Firefighting

Internal firefighting exposes Firefighters to significant risks, both physical and psychological. The Cobra Method of Scan, Attack, Ventilate, and Enter – SAVE – offers a far safer firefighting option for firefighters.

Cleaner firefighting
Cleaner for the Environment

Cobra is cleaner in multiple ways. It reduces the direct environmental impact on our surroundings and planet, while also contributing to a cleaner, safer, and healthier working environment for the individual firefighter.

More Efficient firefighting
More Efficient for Communities & Teams

Using Cobra quickly suppresses fire development, giving the Incident Commander valuable time to coordinate an efficient response. By applying Cobra early, rapid fire spread can be contained, protecting both communities and teams.

UHPL & Water Mist in Firefighting

See the impact of Cobra’s ultra-high pressure and water mist technology, demonstrating a safer and more effective approach to firefighting.

Safer, Cleaner & More Efficient
Handling of Lithium-ion fires

Research and practical use confirms that Cobra effectively manages lithium-ion battery fires in EVs, while requiring only a small amount of water.

Extinguishing of Li-ion battery fires in EVs
Multidimensional Use

Cobra is more than a single-solution tool to tackle one specific problem; it is a versatile asset for a wide range of challenges.

Extinguishing of Li-ion battery fires in EVs

SAVE – Scan, Attack, Ventilate, Enter

The Cobra Method SAVE

The Cobra Method reduces firefighters’ exposure to heat, toxic smoke, and other risks, lowering both immediate and long-term health effects. It can create a critical window for incident commanders to safely conduct tasks, like rescues, that might otherwise be impossible.

The Cobra Method, SAVE, dynamically combines situation Scanning, ultra-high pressure water mist Attack from a safe external position, and tactical Ventilation before, or in conjunction with, Entering the fire compartment.

Cobra shield with star

Use cases

Cobra – One Tool, Multidimensional Use. Among our Use Cases you find some examples of situations where Cobra can be the tool to pick.

Electric Vehicle

Electric Vehicle

Cobra used on fire in an electric vehicle. Conventional car fires (with internal combustion...

Industrial Environment

Industrial Environment

Fire and rescue services are resourced to deal with identified risks, including fire risks, within...

Hidden Fire

Hidden Fire

Cobra used in wall or floor construction, ducting or crawl spaces. Fires in building structures,...

Maritime Environment

Maritime Environment

Cobra cold cut technology is just as effective in a maritime environment on board vessels. The...

Silo Fire

Silo Fire

A fire in a silo is an unusual event for most fire and rescue services and differs in many ways...

First Responder

First Responder

First responder with Cobra. There are many discussions about the benefits and disadvantages of...

Deep-Seated Fires

Deep-Seated Fires

Deep-seated fires, wildfires, can last for a long time, they are difficult to see and easily cause...

Heat Shielding

Heat Shielding

Cobra used to prevent fire spread between properties. A burning building can create enormous...

Aviation Fire

Aviation Fire

An aircraft fire involves many risks and is a highly dynamic situation. Rapid heat build-up leads...

Large Warehouse Fire

Large Warehouse Fire

Multi-use of Cobra in a large warehouse fire. Large fires in industrial buildings like warehouses...

Attics & Roof Spaces

Attics & Roof Spaces

Cobra used in attic and roof space fires. Fires in attics and roof spaces pose significant risks...

Knowledge based on facts

Discover the scientific reports that underpin our methods, providing the factual foundation behind Cobra’s approach to safer, cleaner, and more efficient firefighting.

Real-Life Success Stories

Explore real-life reports that demonstrate how the Cobra Method performs in real-world firefighting scenarios.

Understanding the Cobra Method

Explore training options that help your organisation fully understand and apply the Cobra Method effectively.

Let us start with a conversation!

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.