Cold Cut Systems are very proud to be able to contribute to the health and safety of firefighters, and the protection of communities and the environment.
Working at Cold Cut Systems is therefore not only a job but also a calling, just like it is for our customers. When we can, we try to spread our knowledge and contribute in various ways outside our organization.
Women in the Fire Service (WFS) UK
The organisation is made up of individuals working in the Fire and Rescue Service, who share a vision for the future, and are proactive in making that vision a reality.
WFS have a thorough understanding of the business of the Fire and Rescue Service and has experience in many roles, at all levels, including experience in overcoming difficulties and barriers, challenging cultures, using proactive approaches to promoting diversity and leading positive change.
Cold Cut Systems was proud to be a corporate sponsor of the WFS National Training and Development Event in May 2022, as well as an award sponsor for the ‘Young Person Role Model Award’. The event will take place again in 2023, Cold Cut Systems will then be holding a workshop where we will demonstrate Cobra and delegates will have the chance to try it out.

UK Firefighters Sailing Challenge 2022
In 2022 Cold Cut Systems co-sponsored a yacht with the Fire Industry Association. We came 1st of the sponsored vessels and 6th place overall. It was a pleasure to crew under our amazing skipper SO Peter Clarke of Hampshire and Isle of Wight FRS. Well done to all the other crews and for the wonderful amount raised for charity.
The UKFSC is the National Sailing Championships for the Firefighters of the United Kingdom. The Event is held every Spring in The Solent and with the help of their sponsors, they raise money to help many charities.

Collaboration between suppliers and UK FRS during the Covid crisis
On the 20th March FIA Director and Cold Cut Academy lead Bernie Higgins, A W Hainsworth & Sons Business Development Manager Lesley Routh-Jones and myself joined a collaborative team to support the National Fire Commercial Transformation Programme (NFCTP). Under guidance of Kent CFO Ann Millington and Head of Commercial and Procurement in KFRS and Programme Lead for the NFCTP Tina Butler, our remit was to provide independent support to the programme and leverage our contacts and supply chain expertise to help source Personal Protective Equipment for firefighters undertaking an enhanced role in the battle with Covid-19. We held twice weekly calls with Mary Dawson, Programme Manager NFCTP, to ensure that our work dovetailed nicely with the aims and objectives of the National Fire Chiefs Council. Direct calls, emails and social media posts allowed us to provide tangible and effective data and contacts for the NFCTP to achieve its PPE procurement and supply chain targets. We also provided suggestions and market feedback on the support that suppliers to FRS UK will be looking for as they recover from the economic effects of the pandemic. This has been a truly collaborative effort between government, FRS and the wider UK and supply chain and we are very keen to build on this and develop a professional and resilient relationship with all the parties so that the UK Fire and Rescue Service can continue to provide a world class service to the public.
Tina Butler, Head of Commercial and Procurement in KFRS and Programme Lead for the NFCTP, adds:
“The NFCTP and FIA have been engaged for some time prior to COVID, building a more professional relationship between the Sectors to ensure that we move away from a fragmented approach to market engagement.
The unprecedented global impact on supply chains as a result of the pandemic has been a real test of this new way of working, and I am incredibly grateful to Bernie, Martin, Lesley and everyone involved within the network, who have really pulled together with the Fire and Rescue Service to ensure that we can provide the right level of protection for our front-line. I look forward to building upon this good work to ensure that together, we can deliver the most effective and successful recovery possible”
We at Cold Cut Systems take great pride in being part of the team and will continue to support in the recover phase and beyond. Should you wish to know more, please email us at and we’ll be in touch.
The annual St Andrew’s Ball in Glasgow
On the 30th November 2019 we had the pleasure of being in Glasgow again for the annual St Andrew’s Ball in aid of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Family Support Trust.
The Charity was founded in 1923 by members of the Glasgow Salvage Corps with the principle objective being to support widows and children of Corpsmen who had died in service and also those who had been killed whilst serving their country during the First World War. In 1984, Glasgow Salvage Corps was disbanded and whilst the charity continued to provide support to the widows and children of members of the Corps, the Charity became known as Strathclyde Fire Brigade Widows and Orphans Fund. In the years that followed, the fund continued to widen its beneficiary base to embrace and provide support to all uniformed and non- uniformed employees of Strathclyde Fire Brigade and in 2005 the name was changed to Strathclyde Fire and Rescue Family Support Trust.
This year, as in 2018, Cold Cut Systems were proud to sponsor the youth pipe band. It was a most enjoyable evening with charity auction raising a lot of money and plenty of dancing and fun had by all.

UK Firefighter Sailing Challenge 2019
The UKFSC United Kingdom Firefighters Sailing Challenge is the National Sailing Championships for the Firefighters and other emergency services of the United Kingdom. The event is held every Spring in The Solent and raises money to help many charities.
Cold Cut Systems were proud to sponsor the UKFSC again in 2019. This year we also entered a team ‘Absynthesis’ with Martin Orman – Cold Cut Systems UK, Pete Clarke – Hampshire Fire and Rescue, James Jones & Neil Woodward – Vimpex, Tom Simmonds – Allsaved UK, Adam Evans – Evac Chair and Dawn Orman – Longdown Management.
Even though we are a novice crew, except for our skipper Pete, we had three 2nd places over the first two days of racing. On the final day we came 2nd out of 29 vessels despite a 15 minute handicap.
We hope that the charities received plenty of much deserved money and we look forward to another great event in 2021.