Measurement of radiation absorption

Scientific reports

The result shows that the water mist produced has a significant effect.

Measurement of radiation absorption in the spray from the Cobra cutting extinguisher (translated from Swedish)
Mätning av strålningsabsorption i sprayen från skärsläckaren Cobra (original language)


Author: Anton Johansson

Master of Science thesis in Fire Protection Engineering, Luleå Tekniska Universitet, Sweden, 2018

Summary (Translated from Swedish)

A cutting extinguisher is a high-pressure system that is currently used by the fire service to fight fires and create better work environments in fire spaces, without being in the space itself. Thanks to the high-pressure water jet and an added abrasive, the tool has a cutting ability. In addition, the fact that the tool introduces water at a very high pressure through a narrow nozzle contributes to its production of a fine water mist.

Previous research shows that water mists have a dampening ability of thermal radiation and may be suitable as radiation shields for incident thermal radiation.

In this thesis, the cutting extinguisher coldcut™ cobra, manufactured by Cold Cut Systems, has been used to investigate how good the dampening properties against thermal radiation are when the water mist produced by the coldcut™ cobra is used.

The result shows that the water mist produced has a significant effect on the incident radiation towards an object located on the other side of the water mist. The effect varies depending on how much of the flames from the fire source that the water mist covers.

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